not out of jest or a lack of sensitivity to people who prefer
the neutral pronoun ‘they’
but inspired by the possibilities it suggests
My decision
is to align myself
with other ‘its’
A whale or a bird is an ‘it’
as is an ant or a tree
The earth, the moon and the sky are all ‘it’
and love, eternity, freedom, knowledge
life, death, time, space
To identify as ‘he’ or ‘she’
is to align with humanity’s desire
to separate itself from all existence
to create for itself a category apart
where humanity alone is subject
and all others are object

of the various issues we face
it seems to me
that only broken tools
can fix broken things
We can’t expect change in anything
unless there is change the systems that created them
These systems, though, are, cultural
These are systems of belief, systems of value,
systems of looking and thought
Cultural systems inform economic and political systems
That means that the function of art
is primary in any issues humanity hopes to address
Art has the ability
and the responsibility
to present possible models:
of being in the world
of finding value in things
of understanding history
of relating to each other
Artworks in all forms, then
can be seen as the tools of evolution in culture